First Communication.

JW This is the first bit of E-mail that I got from Winifred Barton.


Thank you for your info about Telos and remarks on Sheldon Nidle. I often see your communications and find them very interesting. You seem very well informed about many things. You may care to know that I have lived quite comfortably in two dimensions since a NDE in 1927. This is was when I was given an "Earth Mission" which has occupied my life ever since.

When I heard about Sheldon Nidle and "You are becoming a Galactic Human" I was pleasantly surprised as I had been a Liasion Officer for the GALACTIC FEDERATION for decades and was always told to hold the silence. As a matter of fact it was just last June when I went down to visit Walter Bartoo that I obtained two video's done by Sheldon. I thought they were very well done.

There is a "Goodly Company" of Eternals who interact between dimensions. I have been with them to Shamballah. In my metaphysical library I have three books published in 1935 written by Saint Germaine and Arcturus. Except for the more pressing note of urgency - ie. "the time is here" there is very little difference in channeled messages between then and now.

Part of my life has been lived in Shamballa - I can recall having babies in that dimension after only a 3 months pregnancy. The last of these children was named THOTH - who works with me constantly. I did have some idea about TELOS being in Shamballa in a region underneath Mt. Shasta and apprciate your confirmation. TELOS was born as a projection of Magical Will, by making an arc between dimensions.

I have this capacity to look down a tunnel and see let us say a "flimsy" of things which will come to pass. I can either give them the life energy to manifest - or put them aside until later - or wipe them off my mental screen. I doubt that the people who run our local Telos have any idea of this. By living this way in (-T) minus time, or timelessness - or total awareness of my own God-head as it operates in Infinity, I am able to help many people find their niche in infinity. I am like a "Human Resources Officer."

People phone me with incredible stories - of coming right up to to the veil between dimensions - seeing the geometry of the transformation etc., but being unable to pass right through. This is how we take care of the exodus-entree procedures into the Inner Kingdom.

So while other people are talking about things yet to be in (+T) plus time, we just sit here biding our time until the others are ready. We just live in two worlds without mentioning it. We are able to cross the border - to either the explosive external world or go deeper into the implosive internal worlds of Shamballa at will.

There are both male and female elements to the GALACTIC FEDERATION - The feminine contingent correspond to Odin's Valkyrie - in that sense I Am The Avatar of Synthesis, working to re-establish the Unified Field in the Lower Kingdom. The rebellion is just about over. One of our teachers during our decade of seclusion was ALLAH. He taught us about SIN - the Lord of Evolution and why SIN and FREE WILL are like twins (the twins in the Tarot) come together - for they must go hand and hand across infinity.

He fulfils the same function as Osiris - namely the KIng of the Underworld.
>From 1973 - 1983, as Trainee-Officers of the GALACTIC FEDERATION got an
education so far beyond our puny mortal intellect it totally blew our minds. We got through the Ankh at Xmas 1983 - when they did experiments at CERN.

I will be happy to tell you everything I know about the GALACTIC FEDERATION - which is connected to the "Goodly Company" of Mt. Shasta via TELOS - the original trading post between dimensions.

Sincerely, Winifred & Thoth.


Star Fleet Officers Graduating Specifications:

In order to graduate from the Officers Academy of the GALACTIC FEDERATION - a candidate must have learned how to over come the adolescent game of SIN and DEATH. As these two functions go hand in hand, if we take care of SIN - Death will take care of itself.

SIN is the Original God who started it all: That energy function which led us into the time warp of Dark Chaos. LIGHT is our only possible means of escape to salvation. So the sooner we put LIGHT to work for us the quicker we arrive back, with a whole new treasure of conscious attainment to take back with us to COSMOS.

Sin threw a stone into the still pool of virgin mind. It might be called love sperm with which to start a new specie. This love- sperm of Sin had, as yet, no Mother Goddess to guide it for She Herself was subject to animal instincts.

So until the Grand Finale of the Whole Earth Play, there was no AVATAR OF SYNTHESIS. Thus SIN created fission building up to Chaos. The Holy Spirit, they say, works best in Chaos. You need fission or (+T) (plus time) motion to create anything. Once creation is finished to Our Lady's satisfaction we then return to FUSION - like 3.12 says PEACE! BE STILL! and there is stillness, and in that moment of silence and joy - there is FUSION.

GOD is not so dumb after all. She made provisions for the exodus of the righteous before the explosive stone was thrown into the Universal pool. At this time, The GALACTIC FEDERATION was created to Guard the TREE OF LIFE and to serve and protect GAIA and Her Earth Civilization ad infinitum. Which is what we do.

The GALACTIC FEDERATION is incorporated as the 13th Tribe, THE TRIBE OF LEVI. This in its earth-based aspect. The TRIBE OF LEVI, has held this role since (+T) plus time began by riding the razors' edge between dimensions.

THE GALACTIC FEDERATION is a two pronged force, composed of human and non human resources. Each of these contingents has its own governing councils. This is how Earth and Sky are brought into synchrony to achieve the Federation's planetary goals.

1. Council 1 - is responsible for the Establishment of THY KINGDOM COME ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, and the Guardianship of THE KINGDOM. In this regard, the First Earth Base of the GALACTIC FEDERATION was established at "Heaven's Gate" in Actinolite Ontario, in September 1973. The event is marked in the cement steps of the buildings.

2. Council 2 deals with Communication and Liaison. God is Love - and He-She loves you more dearly than is possible for any earthly parent. The purpose of civilization on Earth is to enable man to evolve into a just and loving representative of Divine Will, and to understand the harmonics of a worshipful response to Creation. This is the dream of the COSMIC LOVERS.

The Spirit and The Bride which are predicated to announce the end of time. He is the LORD OF LIGHT, She is the AVATAR OF SYNTHESIS. Welcome them.

At Circuit 3.8/8.3 we can see The AVATAR OF SYNTHESIS. The tapestry of the Whole Earth Play is like a beautiful fan stretched out to its fullest extension. It is a Masterpiece. God is a Professional Deity.

What is happening is that our galaxy is pulling in its seven arms, just like a skater going into a "Needles Eye" spin. Faster and faster he moves (+1). Then in a tachyon flash of light all that was long ago. Flip! we are going in the opposite direction. Once you pass through the Ankh, you can watch it happening in the rear view mirror. Until then we are Liaison Officers dealing with the deaf and blind. Valkyrie helping the wounded and dying in the Akashic Wars of the end times.

It is a sad thing to see the vulture circling over someone who has lost sight of their own process: To see souls wandering around in the desert between dimensions chasing mirrors.

JW So there you have the first communication.

John Winston.

Original file name: 95.07.23 Telos Comm 1